Radio and speakers — removal and installation
Warning: The models covered by this manual are equipped with Supplemental Restraint Systems (SRS), more commonly known as airbags. Always disable the airbag system before working in the vicinity of any airbag system components to avoid the possibility of accidental deployment of the airbag(s), which could cause personal injury (see Airbag system — general information).
1. Disconnect the cable from the negative battery terminal (see Engine electrical systems).
Radio/Navigation unit
2. On Camry and Lexus models, pry out the center register above the radio using a trim tool (see Body).
3. On Avalon models, remove the center trim panel (see Body).
4. On Camry models, pry off the side center trim panels (see Body).
5. Remove the retaining fasteners and pull the radio/navigation unit outward to access the backside, then disconnect the electrical connectors and the antenna lead (see illustrations).
13.5a Remove the upper mounting fasteners
13.5b … and the lower mounting fasteners and pull the audio/navigation unit outwards
6. Remove the mounting bracket fasteners and brackets, then separate the radio/navigation unit from the heater and A/C control panel assembly. Separate the radio unit from the navigation unit.
7. Installation is the reverse of removal.
Door speakers
8. Remove the door trim panel (see Body).
9. Remove the mounting fasteners and pull the speaker out of the door. Disconnect the electrical connector and remove the speaker from the vehicle (see illustration).
13.9 Remove the speaker mounting screws and disconnect the electrical connector to remove the speaker from the vehicle
10. Installation is the reverse of removal.
Instrument panel speakers
11. Carefully pry the speaker covers out using a trim tool.
12. Remove the mounting fasteners and pull the speaker up.
13. Disconnect the electrical connector and remove the speaker from the instrument panel.
14. Installation is the reverse of removal.
Rear package shelf speakers
15. Remove the rear seats (see Body).
16. Remove the rear package shelf (see Chassis electrical system).
17. Remove the mounting fasteners and pull the speaker up.
18. Disconnect the electrical connector and remove the speaker from the shelf.
19. Installation is the reverse of removal.