Strut rod — removal and installation
Note: When reinstalling any rear suspension arms, raise the suspension with a floor jack (placed under the rear axle carrier) to simulate normal ride-height before tightening the fasteners.
1. Loosen the wheel lug nuts, raise the vehicle and support it securely on jack stands. Remove the wheel.
2. Remove the strut rod-to-axle carrier bolt (see illustration).
11.2 To disconnect the strut rod from the carrier , hold the nut with a wrench and remove the bolt
3. Remove the strut rod-to-body bracket bolt (see illustration) and detach the rod from the vehicle.
Note: The parking brake cable bracket may have to be unbolted to allow removal of the strut bolt.
11.3 To disconnect the forward end of the strut rod from the vehicle body, remove this bolt
4. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure. Be sure to tighten the bolts to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.