Clutch/brake pedal height and freeplay — check and adjustment…

Pedal height

1. The height of the clutch or brake pedals the distance the pedal sits off the floor (see illustration). If the pedal height is not within Specifications, it must be adjusted.

20.1 To check the pedal height, measure the distance between the natural resting place of the pedal and the floor

Toyota Camry Tune-up and routine maintenance | Clutch/brake pedal height and freeplay - check and adjustment…

2. To adjust the brake pedal, loosen the locknut and back the pushrod out for clearance. Turn the pushrod to adjust the pedal height in the middle of the specified range, then retighten the locknut (see illustration).

20.2 Loosen the pedal pushrod locknut, then adjust the pushrod to achieve proper pedal height

Toyota Camry Tune-up and routine maintenance | Clutch/brake pedal height and freeplay - check and adjustment…

3. At the clutch pedal, loosen the locknut on the clutch switch and retract the switch. Before measuring the clutch pedal height, make sure the pedal is in the fully-returned position. Measure the pedal height and adjust if necessary (see Step 2).

4. Adjust the brake pedal switch by turning it clockwise until the switch body just contacts the pedal arm. Rotate it counterclockwise to gain the clearance listed in this Chapter’s Specifications and tighten the switch locknut.

Pedal free play

5. Free play is the pedal slack, or the distance the pedal can be depressed before it begins to have any effect on the clutch or brake system (see illustration). If the pedal free play is not within the specified range, it must be adjusted.

20.5 Pedal free play is the distance between the natural resting point of the pedal to the point at which resistance is felt

Toyota Camry Tune-up and routine maintenance | Clutch/brake pedal height and freeplay - check and adjustment…

6. To adjust the clutch pedal free play, loosen the locknut on the clutch pushrod. Back out the pushrod to adjust the free play to the specified range, then retighten the locknut.

7. Before adjusting brake pedal free play, depress the brake pedal several times (with the engine off). Measure the free play and adjust if necessary. Loosen the locknut on the pushrod, then back off the pushrod to adjust the pedal free play to the specified range and retighten the locknut.

Brake pedal reserve distance

8. With the parking brake released and the engine running, depress the pedal with normal braking effort and have an assistant measure the distance from the center of the pedal pad to the floor. If the distance is less than specified, refer to Chapter Brakes and troubleshoot the brake system.

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